How to register and get full COVID-19 Vaccine via Mandavax

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It has been a year and four months since the Covid-19 pandemic spread across the country and globally. Although it may not be as frightening and challenging as last year, we are still amidst this demanding trial in the history of humanity.

One of the primary solutions to overcome this challenge and progress is for the nation to embrace vaccination actively. Indeed, mass COVID-19 vaccination is crucial to help our immune system recognize and combat the virus.

Given the global nature of the COVID-19 pandemic, vaccines are in short supply to serve every country worldwide. Fortunately, in the Philippines, our government, in collaboration with private institutions and local government units (LGUs), has partnered to import various COVID-19 vaccine variants and offer free COVID-19 vaccination programs to Filipinos.

I received full vaccination under the MANDAVAX program administered by Mandaluyong City. My initial SINOVAC dose was given on June 11, 2021, with the second dose administered on July 9, 2021.

Many of you have inquired about how to successfully navigate this process, so let me provide you with a step-by-step guide below. However, please note that this process is exclusive to Mandaluyong residents.

Begin by registering online through Mandavax website.

  • Complete all necessary personal information, including your Full Name, Address, Birthday, Mobile Number, and Email.
  • Ensure you have a scanned copy or photo of a VALID ID (preferably a government-issued ID like a Passport) and a 1×1 or 2×2 photo with a white or clear background.
  • Disclose any COMORBIDITIES you may have (such as chronic respiratory diseases, hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, malignancies, diabetes mellitus, obesity, chronic kidney disease, HIV, etc.). You may need to provide medical records, medical clearances issued within the past 18 months, or prescriptions from the last 6 months.
  • HOUSEHOLD CODE: If you reside with family members in the same Mandaluyong household, you can also pre-register them using your household code. (1)

Please note that vaccination priority is given to individuals in categories A1, A2, and A3. Consequently, they will receive priority for vaccination. I am categorized as A3 due to my hypertension, which is considered a comorbidity.

  • A1: Frontline workers in health facilities both national and local, private and public, health professionals and non-professionals like students, nursing aides, janitors, barangay health workers, etc.
  • A2: Senior citizens aged 60 years old and above
  • A3: Persons with comorbidities
  • A4: Frontline personnel in essential sectors including uniformed personnel and those in working sectors identified by the IATF as essential during ECQ
  • A5: Indigent population
  • B1: Teachers, social workers
  • B2: Other government workers
  • B3: Other essential workers
  • B4: Socio-demographic groups at significantly higher risk other than senior citizens and indigenous people
  • B5: Overseas Filipino workers
  • B6: Another remaining workforce
  • C: The rest of the Filipino population
    Source: CNN
If you’re tired of reading, feel free to check out my vlog. LOL

wait for a call or text from a MANDAVAX agent regarding your vaccination schedule.

Back in March 2021, I registered on the Mandavax website. During that time, the website was quite slow due to high traffic, taking me over 5 hours to complete registration for myself and my siblings (quite an adventure, LOL). However, I never received any communication from them until June, when I noticed Mandavax was actively vaccinating at SM Megamall. A security personnel there informed me that only those with confirmed schedules could enter the Mega Tent Hall. So, I decided to contact Mandavax to check my registration status.

I found the hotline mobile numbers on the Mandaluyong PIO Facebook page.

After making a call, I discovered that I had been categorized as Category C (the general public), which was not suitable for my hypertension condition (I should have been in the A3 category). I explained my situation to the agent, who instructed me to update my profile and provided an email address for sending the request, along with evidence of my comorbidity.

For this update, I had to fill out a privacy form, attach my signature, provide a valid ID, and include a copy of my latest medical prescription as proof of my hypertension. This process took only one day (excluding the weekend, as I couldn’t respond immediately). After my profile was updated, I received a text from a Mandavax agent with my vaccination appointment for June 11.

A big shoutout to the extremely accommodating Mandavax agent for assisting with my requests and inquiries. Job well done!

Proceed to the vaccination site according to your scheduled appointment.

Remember to bring your own ballpoint pen, along with your ID that includes your Mandaluyong address, or any billing statement bearing your name and address.

I recommend arriving at the vaccination site at least an hour early to avoid the rush of people. It’s crucial not to show up without a CONFIRMED SCHEDULE to prevent any disruptions. We must maintain social distancing and allow our frontline workers to operate smoothly.

Please queue up in the designated area while strictly adhering to social distancing guidelines and wearing your mask and face shield. Show your Valid ID (including your address) to the Mandavax personnel. They will check the list of confirmed individuals for that day’s vaccination and have you sign beside your name on the master list.

Important note: Without a confirmed schedule, your name likely won’t appear on the master list, and you won’t be permitted to enter the vaccination site.

Once confirmed, you will be guided to the validation area, where your account details will undergo verification. They will request your ID once more and cross-check the information you provided on the Mandavax website using their tablets. They will also verify your identity by asking for your birthdate and confirming the photo you submitted during registration. After validation, they will provide you with a form and your vaccination card and direct you to the next area for completion.

They will provide information about the vaccine brands currently in stock and inquire about your preference. In Mandaluyong, there are three available brands: SINOVAC, Pfizer, and AstraZeneca, with specific schedules for each. In my group, SINOVAC was the sole option, and I consented to receive it. You do have the option to select your preferred brand, but if it’s not available on your scheduled date, you’ll need to reschedule.

Your next task is to complete the provided form. It’s essential to be honest when providing your personal details and medical information. If you’re meticulous, take a moment to review the terms and conditions, then sign the form with your signature. Additionally, fill in the front of the Vaccination card with your personal information while leaving the back blank since the frontliners will handle that part.

Once you’ve filled out the form and agreed to its contents, you will be guided to the screening area. Trained medical professionals will ask you a series of questions related to your medical history over the past 14 days, your allergies, and any medications you have been taking for your declared comorbidity. If you successfully pass the screening, they will update your vaccination card with the vaccine brand name and assign a specific code.

Ensure complete honesty when declaring your medical condition; dishonesty can lead to adverse outcomes. If you’ve recently experienced symptoms like the flu, fever, or a sore throat, make sure to disclose them to the medical screener. There are instances where failure to report such conditions can result in more severe vaccine side effects.

Once you’ve successfully passed the screening, you’ll proceed to the vaccination area, and the process is quite swift. Before receiving the jab, the assigned nurse will inform you about the vaccine brand you’ll be administered, potential side effects, and inquire whether you’re right or left-handed. If you’re right-handed, the vaccine will be injected into your left arm.

After Mandavax Vaccination | Inyi Yruma


After receiving the jab, you’ll need to remain in the observation area for 10-15 minutes. You’ll also receive a small paper with information on where to report vaccine side effects if they occur once you’re home.

Once you feel alright and experience no side effects, you can head home. Of course, you can also take a photo or selfie at the Mandavax booth and share it on your social media to encourage more people to get vaccinated.

For SINOVAC, there’s a 4-week interval before the 2nd or final dose. Once you’ve received your first jab, simply wait for a text message from Mandavax for your second schedule. The process is almost identical to your first dose: VERIFICATION -> SCREENING -> VACCINATION -> OBSERVATION.

As of now, there’s no specific cure for Covid-19, but Covid-19 vaccines provide an additional layer of protection against the virus. The vaccine educates our immune system to readily identify the Covid-19 strain. Thus, if the virus enters our body, our immune system can react swiftly, block it, and fight it off, reducing the risk of severe Covid-19 symptoms.

Getting vaccinated is of utmost importance, not only for your own well-being but also for the safety of your friends, co-workers, family, and the entire nation. TOGETHER, LET’S COMBAT THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC.

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